previous issues.


we believe that changes have been occurring for a long time: imperceptible, constant, faster and faster. changes in attention, movement, relationships, work, consumption, culture. changes to our internal and external worlds.
the dramatic events of the pandemic only accelerated what was already taking place. in the present.
the inaugural issue of appraisal.atpresent explores these transformations, asking how people are adapting to this new reality.


awareness of ‘the state of food’ has evolved considerably in the last decade. skeptical of labels and critical in their approach, consumers have developed agency over what they eat and drink.
a divergence has emerged between those who want to ‘re-do’ food, using technology to create alternative proteins and super-foods, and those who want to ‘undo’ food, returning to traditional methods of production.
this issue examines the WHAT, HOW, and WHO of this new market.

staying. going. tourism.

with public life halted, economies dependent on travel and tourism found themselves in a state of flux. businesses fought to stay afloat, workers reconsidered their careers, travelers reevaluated their aspirations.
issues of wellbeing, sustainability, safety, and technology are more pertinent than ever.
this issue asks what staying and going mean in this uncertain time. how has travel changed? what do travelers want? how can businesses respond?